Please note:
To avoid shipping costs please remove the N75 Swag Pack that is automatically added to your cart at no charge. Because it's a item that requires shipping, there is shipping fee. If you order just the EK1 Recalibration File? No shipping fee's applied.
N75 Motorsports Tuning Portal Step-by-Step Tuning Guide with EK1 Pro Remote Tuning Device.
2024 Elantra N support added
Elantra N Line (CPEGD3) will be similar to above 24 Elantra N, a bench flash harness kit will be required, direct connection between EK1 and ECU is required. Please see our bench kit for the Elantra N (NOT THE SAME) to see what we mean.
3RD Party Dyno Testing (Our Dyno's say N75)
Canada's Most Powerful Hyundai Veloster Turbo 2 N75 Motorsports Stuffed Turbo and Tuned - YouTube
Hyundai Veloster Turbo 2 1.6T N75 Motorsports VT2 Tune, Wagner Tuning FMIC - YouTube
2018 Hyundai Elantra GT Sport Dyno Pull (Intake and N75 Motorsports Tune) - YouTube
2017 Hyundai Elantra Sport N75 Motorsports tuned - YouTube
(204) Canada's Most Powerful Hyundai Veloster N N75 Motorsports ECU Tuned (360WHP+!!!!) - YouTube
We suggest colder spark plugs and a performance intake with all cars.
Under 24 Hour turn around time from receiving your file.
N75 Motorsports ECU calibrations are developed by us in Canada. We do a large amount of remote tuning around the world so rest assured we can tune to your octane level. Our calibrations are developed over time and tested before we started tuning the first car. We own a VT2 1.6T / 2.0T VN and EN for tune R&D. This allows us to try things we would never try on a customers car. This is how our tuning is done, with development cars first always.
Our tune will not only gain you more power, but a more smooth powerband right to redline, and better fuel economy. Your car will drive better, perform as it should from factory if Hyundai/Kia geared the vehicle for nothing but performance on premium fuel, however due to fuel grades, Hyundai / Kia keeps certain maps in ECU conservative. We advance these for premium fuel. Hyundai / Kia is expecting you to use 87 octane, which is why our cars gain so much on good tuning.
Please note: This is for ECU Recalibration files only, the EK1 Pro is not included.
We charge a base fee of $549-$699 CDN depending on vehicle, this includes any extra features you wish. Launch Control for 6SPD, Pops and Crackle, Pop and Bang, Pop and flame, Speed Limiter removal, 7K shift for 6SPD, Increased Idle in Sport mode for DCT, increase idle for 6SPD, if we can do it and it is included in this price. Any of our special features are also included. We do not charge for extra features on any EK1 Pro / Lite ECU tuning files.
Please email file/logs/mod list and tune requests to and we will email you your tune back within 24-48 hours during the week, if we get your file late Friday you can expect a tuned file Monday or sooner..
3 revisions when order at same time of tune are discounted when ordered with a tune.
Revisions can be added later, however this package discounted massively.
N Series vehicles can get free added options like pop flames, enhanced N Mode Pop's, 7200RPM Shift and more! If its offered from us? Its included for the ECU!
Price includes stuffed turbo tunes, however we suggest revisions with stuffed turbos and big turbos.
Please Note fault removal is not available through EK1 Tuning.
Custom tuning from N75 Motorsports for ANY Hyundai or Kia ECU supported by this product.
This device is so affordable, and performance is great, logging is nearly unmatched by any other tool. To make it more affordable for our customers, we offer any staged tune when adding tuning to this product. This means expensive stage 3 and flame tunes come with the device and a total of 4 variations of tuning available for your vehicle.
When adding a tune you receive 3 variants of that tune, higher octane, pop and bangs, whatever you wish. Even our Showtune which shoots flames. We offer any stage tune for ANY Vehicle supported by the EK1, including our most expensive Anti-Lag/flame or track tuning.
How does it work when ordering N75 Motorsports tuning?
(Please watch video after reading instructions, thank you)
1a: Buy the Device, upon checkout the update software will be automatically added to your cart. After payment, there will be a download link for EK1 Device PC update software. Download this and save it for when you receive the device.
1b: Receive the device, install it. The blue wire goes to a power source (fuse box) that is 12+ volts and comes on only when Ignition is turn on aka IGN2 (2 presses of the Ignition button, not accessory mode)
2a: Make an account with N75Tuning -
2b: Read your ECU or ECU ID depending upon on vehicle model and year. All ECU files will be found in the "Maps" Folder on the SD card. If you are unsure which ECU you have, you can use our ECU checker on
3: Input your ECU ID/Read file, EKM device serial number (found on the back of the device), VIN number, make, model, year, order number, modifications to your vehicle, and upload file in "Maps" folder to
4: (OPTIONAL) Make a SXTHNK account for bootpatch and OE File download, however you may request this via
5: We send you your OEM file and base file based on your modifications, via N75Tuning is a OTS base map used to gauge your engines performance. Download the file off the site and place on SD card in "Maps" Folder.
6: Write the Bootpatch if applicable, then write the tuned base file.
7: Using the EK1 Mini2+ log the base file, logging parameters (RPM, Boost or MAP, Relative throttle position, Absolute throttle position, Ignition Timing, AFR, STFT, LTFT and vehicle speed) any additional parameters will help, if your vehicle has wastegate position and target, please add these. (Not all ECUs support this)
8: Upload logs (3rd and 4th gear wide open throttle pulls) to Logs are found in "Logs" folder on SD card.
9: Receive your updated files to your request via download on All maps go into "Maps" folder on the SD card.
10: Write your desired tuning file and N joy!
Please make note when ordering on what type of tune you want, 91 Octane, WMI, Racegas, Pops, Gurgles, Showtune (flames when it pops, see our Instagram page, or video link above) or both. LC can be added to 6spd cars, idle can be increased on all cars.
Please refer to our ECU Tuning per vehicle listings for WHP Increases and required mods.
Spark Plugs are required for all cars.
We suggest tuning on an aftermarket intake on all cars for added boost. (Increased flow through intake system caused by increased boost)
ECU Calibration for EK1 Pro Device custom tuned from N75 Motorsports
Please note we take no responsibility for damage to your engine. We send out base tunes which are known to be safe and have been tested, however we cannot see how the engine is performing before the tune. There is no tuning around a mechanical issue, and that issue will become more present on a tune. We highly recommend having your car looked over well by a experienced tech before tuning, we have people come to us with knocking engines asking for tunes, naturally we reject them, however this is not possible for EK1 Pro/Lite. Having said this we had yet to have any reliability issues on our ECU tunes, with customers over 3 years in and 100,000KM on our tune. But again, locally we reject people for tuning due to mechanical issues all the time.