New Tools give our local customers some awesome free information with their tune!!
DynoRoad is made by a company in Europe called Magic Motorsport. This device has been 3rd party tested to be within 1whp of a traditional roller dyno.
Make no mistake about it, we do not plan to use this for the website. But we can easily get a power reading before and after tuning when logging!
Stepping up our tuning services, as this comes as NO ADDITIONAL COST!!!
We personal love this system because it avoids the issues rollers Dynos have (120MPH car standing still), this system will give accurate information about your engines performance while in real world conditions.
DynoRoad is no toy, this tool is worth nearly $2000 CDN, it has extremely accurate pressure sensors, G-Force sensors, temp sensors, Acceleration sensors and fair more to get quality dyno logs. YouTube DynoRoad and see the results for yourself!!!
Read more on Magic Motorsports website, or YouTube DynoRoad!
"The Car Dyno made Portable - DynoRoad - MAGICMOTORSPORT"